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3 Care You Should Apply To Have Shiny Hair

Shiny hair depends on many factors: from the observance or not of good habits, environmental pollution, the products used, etc. What can we do to have healthy and strong hair?Bright hair is undoubtedly the dream of every woman, and of many men too. But for hair to shine it must be healthy and strong.

However, there are many factors that prevent this from happening.Environmental pollution, stress, cold, heat, hair dryer or iron, affect hair health. That is why a hair care routine becomes increasingly necessary.In addition to the products that we can find in the market, there are some daily habits that we can take into account to have a hair full of shine, strong and healthy. Next, we will see 3 cares that you must apply to have shiny hair.

Care in washing to have shiny hair

To have shiny hair, washing is a fundamental step in the beauty routine. The first point is the water temperature. It is important that the washing is done with warm water, neither cold nor hot, since the cold water is not able to dissolve the fat and the hot water damages the hair.The classic advice of finishing the cold water wash is indeed totally valid. Cold water stimulates circulation and closes the cuticle, and this makes the hair brighter.As for the shampoo, there is a belief that it is good to change shampoo so that the hair does not get used to it. This is not always totally true. If we discover a shampoo that suits us, it is best to continue using it.Another important point is not to rub the hair too hard when washing it. This could stimulate the sebaceous glands and generate more fat in the hair.When rinsing hair, it is advisable to put your head back and run your fingers as if you were combing it to remove the remains of shampoo. This simple gesture will make the hair brighter.

How to brush your hair

Hair brushing is a fundamental gesture in the daily routine. It should be done at least twice a day, in the morning and at night. It is also recommended to always brush before washing. This will prevent the hair from getting too tangled when wet which would make the penetration of the shampoo more difficult.Experts also recommend brushing hair 10 to 20 times at night before bedtime. If possible, it should be done with a natural bristle brush. Brushing exfoliates the scalp and helps eliminate all traces of products. In addition, it promotes blood circulation and leaves hair much brighter.

Home treatments for shiny hair

There are many special hair care products on the market. You can also choose to go to a beauty salon and apply the appropriate treatment to have brighter hair. To find a more economical solution, there is also a very effective home solution. It's about treatments with natural products.

Aloe vera

One of these is the treatment of aloe vera, a natural product with incredible properties, capable of promoting hair growth, moisturizing and leaving it shiny.To prepare it, you should mix two tablespoons of aloe vera gel (which can be extracted directly from the leaf) with two tablespoons of water and place the mixture in a spray bottle. This preparation will be applied to wet hair after washing.

Olive oil

The olive oil mask is also very effective when it comes to leaving shiny hair. Because of its high content of nutrients, fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin E, olive oil helps repair hair damage, moisturize hair and leave it shiny.To prepare this mask, two or three tablespoons of olive oil should be heated until it is warm. The mixture obtained is then applied to the scalp, massaged and allowed to act for 15 minutes.While the oil acts on the hair, it is recommended to cover the head with a hot towel to enhance its effect. Then wash your hair normally. You can apply this mask once or twice a week.

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