Men and women are not biologically equal (sex differences) and the professional activities they perform, working conditions and the way they are treated by society are different (gender differences).Such differences can affect the dangers that men and women face at work and how to evaluate and control them.That is why the EU-OSHA investigates and raises awareness about the OSH issues women face at work.The fundamental objective is to help ensure that gender issues are taken into account when policies and decisions are applied in the workplace and at European Union level.EU-OSHA actively investigates gender-related risks and trends, which includes research focused on sectors in which women work, such as cleaning, and the risks that women face especially.The Agency also integrates - or includes - gender in other fields of research.
The Agency offers tools and advice to help entrepreneurs identify and conduct a gender sensitive risk assessment.See also EU-OSHA research on the new risks and trends in the health and safety of women at work and discover the guides to good practices and the tools for.
They work in specific sectors and in specific types of work.They have little representation at the supervisory and management level.They are physically different from men, although there are more variations between women than between men and women, for example, with respect to physical strength.They perform jobs that are wrongly presumed safe and easy.Frequently these differences are not recognized in health and safety practice.Moreover, the workload and work-related risks for women in the workplace are often underestimated.The objective of the Agency is to highlight these differences and help improve OSH in areas that mainly affect women.A gender-sensitive approach to OSH involves recognizing and taking into account differences between workers and women workers.Aim to make work easier and safer for everyone.Look at the actual work carried out and avoid making assumptions about who is at risk and why.This approach is beneficial for all employees not only for women.or women.