The Only Community That Does Not Provide Medical Care Or Treatment For Children With Cleft Lip Palatal:
In our community there are some 3,500 affected citizens - the incidence is one for every 700 births - of which about 300 are children, stage during which most interventions must be performed to achieve an optimal repair of this congenital disease and that They are effective after that age. Getting and coordinating medical care and treatments for these children is a great complexity and a cost for families, since they have to go to other communities and private health services. Traditionally this disease, with great facial impact, has been hidden and has not been made visible, which is why we have many children who have not received adequate treatment and there are adults with irreparable sequels. Since last year, families grouped in an association of affected family members (ALAFICYL) have been demanding the repair of this situation, having recognized this lack by the regional administration itself (SACYL), as by the Cortes of Castilla y León, which last year unanimously approved ...